The Whale Sharks of Mexico and the Caribbean
Whale sharks are some of the most interesting creatures in the animal kingdom. These gentle giants of the sea offer marine life enthusiasts a fascinating glimpse into oceanic biology. And since whale sharks are at home in the warm waters of both the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, we here at Mahekal Beach Resort feel a unique kinship with these aquatic animals. If you’d like to learn more about our nautical neighbors, we’ve put together a handy primer.

What is a Whale Shark?
First, while whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are so named because they share some common traits with both whales and sharks, they’re still a completely unique species — so much so that they’re the only animal in their biological genus of Rincodon. Whale sharks are slow-moving, very gentle, and lack the predatory instincts that are a hallmark of other shark species. Like most other whales, they rely mostly on microscopic plankton as a food source. Fun Fact: Whale sharks are sometimes grouped with a classification referred to as “carpet sharks,” because they swim in deep water, and have vivid color patterns.

How Big is a Whale Shark?
Whale sharks are known for their impressive size. The largest whale shark on record measured just under 62 feet (18.8 meters) and 24,000 pounds (10,800 kg)! The typical individual whale shark grows so large that these animals as a species hold many animal-kingdom size records. Whale sharks are considered by science to be not just the largest cartilaginous fish in existence, but also the living non-mammal vertebrates on Earth. This is in large part because Whale Sharks never stop growing over the length of their lifespan, which many marine biologists estimate can be up to 130 years.

Are Whale Sharks Dangerous to Humans?
No, not at all! There are exactly zero records of whale sharks exhibiting any aggression toward people. And not only are whale sharks not dangerous to humans, they also aren’t dangerous to most other sea life. Other than plankton, whale sharks only eat very small fish, and tiny fish eggs — and even then, only on occasion. Not to mention that since whale sharks usually prefer to stay closer to the ocean floor, they tend to swim at lower depths. In contrast to “true” whale species (all of which are mammals, and therefore need to surface to breathe), whale sharks have been known to dive up to 6,000 feet (1,800 meters)! So encounters with humans are rare.

Where Can I See Whale Sharks in the Wild?
While human/whale shark encounters aren’t necessarily common, it is possible to spot these gentle giants in many areas of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean — especially in warmer summer weather. During these months, the whale sharks usually swim a bit more shallowly, since the plankton blooms that serve as their main food sources also do. So most wild whale sharks are spotted by divers and snorkelers from June – October. This article from the Professional Association of Diving Instructors ranks Mexico as the region of the world with the largest population of whale sharks, particularly in nearby Isla Mujeres, Cozumel and Cancun.

Whale Shark Facts
• Whale sharks can have thousands of tiny teeth, but they aren’t predators.
• Although they’re slow swimmers, the whale shark’s extremely large size means that they’re able to migrate very long distances.
• Whale sharks aren’t mammals, but they give birth to live young (much like great white sharks, dolphins and other related species) — up to 200 at a time!
• Although the exact numbers of whale sharks in the wild are not precisely known, they are considered endangered.
• Whale shark spot patterns are as unique as fingerprints. Because of this, marine biologists are able to use an individual whale’s skin patterning as a tracking tool.

Stay at Mahekal This Whale Shark Season
Hoping to “spot” one of these majestic creatures for yourself? Mahekal Beach Resort is the ideal place to plan your stay! Our exceptional dining, unique accommodations and beachside beauty make us an exquisite experience across-the-board. Check out our Special Offers page to get a look at our Riviera Maya travel deals, and select the one that’s right for you!